Control Central Sterile and Surgical Processes

IntraLogic Health Solutions improves bottom-line performance of hospitals and surgical centers by providing unparalleled capabilities for processing management and process controls.

Our NexSys Process Control and Execution System (NexSys ProCES) is a hardware and software platform solution for surgical asset processing management.

It’s simple, reliable, passive, and adds no staff workload.

Surgical asset processing, central sterile, operating room

Reduce costs of processing

Processing errors are root causes of inefficiencies and waste that impact bottom lines, upset operational workflow and schedules, increase institutional risk, and create surgeon and staff dissatisfaction. If you don’t measure processes you can’t manage them, and you can’t control the costs of errors and inefficiencies.

Surgical asset processing, central sterile, operating room

Unparalleled asset tracking

We measure process successes, and we prevent errors before they happen. NexSys ProCES leverages automatic detection and passive measurement technologies at asset processing touchpoints. Our system enables asset tracking and traceability down to each uniquely-identified, individual surgical instrument.

Surgical asset processing, central sterile, operating room

Data-driven platform solution

NexSys ProCES hardware and software generate and analyze process data, and transform the data into valuable and actionable information. This enables continuous process improvement and self-correction. Eliminate uncontrolled inventory mixes of system-owned and vendor “loaner” assets, all comingled with unusable, obsolete instruments.

More than asset tracking

Increase surgeon and staff satisfaction. Reduce operating room turnaround and downtime by expediting post-surgery asset processing. Achieve central sterile efficiencies where employees complete their work in less time, stay on task, and are not constantly redeployed to remedy errors discovered during live surgeries.


Aligned with Your Processes

Our hardware and software platform is designed in collaboration with healthcare and surgical services partners, and we listen carefully to their needs. NexSys ProCES optimizes existing processes without forcing adoption of new processes. It guides users to complete processes correctly and efficiently through simple, intuitive interfaces.

Surgical asset processing, central sterile, operating room

ready for implementation

NexSys ProCES fits into existing processing structures, and is seamlessly implemented with no disruption to daily operations or information technology platforms. It uses existing customer assets and surgical instruments. Most importantly, our engagement model enables adoption and use with little to no capital expenditure.


Let us show you how NexSys ProCES is transforming surgical processing management and controls to levels never before possible.